Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Another not-for-profit organization of sorts I love is TED. I love to watch TED Talks after my mind grows numb from watching too many Netflix shows… in a row. I am also loving them right now, when it's too cold to do anything physically productive.

There are some really good talks. I love Ian Ritchie's talk The day I turned down Tim Berners-Lee, where he says what is probably my all time favorite quote:

"[Berners-Lee] told me about his proposed system called 'the World Wide Web,' and I thought, 'Well, that's got a pretentious name…'" 

Seriously, it's perfect. It reminds me that perseverance in the face of rejection can amount to HUGE things. I love to go back to that quote when I'm feeling discouraged about a project or [lack of] accomplishments. 

Luis von Ahn, one of the creators of the 'CAPTCHA' security system, also gives an amazing talk on using the CAPTCHA system to create unintended online collaborations that can be used for a greater good - like digitalizing books! Plus I actually use DuoLingo (it's great!), which he touches on in his talk.

But the talk I go back to time and time again is the one given by Harvard Business School professor, Amy Cuddy (which I believe is also one of the most popular of All Time). Here it is in all its glory:

I, like many of my almost mid-20's friends, am going through that Really special (not) phase in life where I'm interviewing for tons of jobs I don't want and or will probably never get, and I encourage All of my friends (and siblings!) to watch this talk before an unnerving situation like a big interview. My brother even watched it before his West Point Academy interview. By reminding himself to sit up straight and project himself in the way he wanted the interviewers to see him, he was able to focus on something other than his nerves, which helped him calm himself even if the physical act didn't. 

Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

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