Monday, December 30, 2013

IN REVIEW {2013}

As 2013 rapidly draws to a close, I'm grateful to be sitting in one of the coolest, most posh hotels in Mexico City, reflecting on how good this past year has been to me.

I learned so much about myself and I got to cross off five (!) items on my bucket list //

  1. I moved out west and found a home in a city I'd never been to before (I'll be back Seattle!)
  2. I found passion in educational equity
  3. I traveled to Mexico for the first and second time and visited a ton of really interesting places
  4. I zip-lined (several times now!) even though I'm a chicken who's never done anything remotely close
  5. I rode a horse for the first time [finally], through a famous rock valley led by a real cowboy
I'll be back in the United States on New Years day. My favorite holiday has and always will be New Years (although it seems like the time between them is getting shorter and shorter)… it's such a refreshing holiday. I love the idea of starting anew. When the new year hits, I really believe you can be anyone you want to be because the past year is... well, the past.

What isn't to love about that?

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